- Alternative Careers for Doctors - by Medic Footprints
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- 850 doctors are ahead of you...
850 doctors are ahead of you...
Last chance
Over 850 doctors have signed up to take part in our challenge starting tomorrow.
Nearly 200 have joined our private community of doctors who are ready to…
Leave behind a job they don’t actually like
Stop talking about changing careers and ACTUALLY take steps towards doing it
Learn how to land 6 figure roles in 7 days
Think about it. Next weekend you could be:
Closer to your dream role than you’ve ever been
Surrounded by people who want to have the conversations that you actually want to have
Not stressing about your next ED locum shift
Or, you could be exactly where you are now.
850+ people have already taken action.
The only thing separating them from you at the moment is that decision.
But in a week’s time, they’ll be miles ahead of those of you who choose to wait.
Some of them will have been offered contracts in their dream roles.
Others will have landed their first consulting client.
And you’ll be… exactly where you are now.
Sign up here:
See you there