💕 Self-love led to a 6 Figure Healthtech Contract for this doctor. Here's how..

💖 Yes, it really happened, and I'll tell you how..


Valentine’s Day may have passed, but the commitment to honouring yourself never expires… a lot of doctors struggle with this.

It shows up like this:

  • Sticking to a job they hate.. for years / decades

  • Undervaluing themselves - even if they have found a non-clinical industry career or started a business

  • Scarcity or fear based mindset - saying YES to too many things, even if not in alignment with their values or what they want

One of our Doctors in Industry Fellows landed a 6 Figure HealthTech contract within weeks of starting our transformational program.

Not through luck, but by choosing to value themselves, elevate their self-value and take SMARTER (not harder) action.

Here’s what they did:

💡 Recognised their worth—acknowledged their expertise but sought the confidence and strategy to monetise it.

💡 Invested in themselves—saw coaching and community as an accelerator, not an expense.

💡 Chose ease over struggle—got support from a likeminded community of doctors and gained momentum - instead of trying to figure it out alone.

💡 Showed up consistently—took action, engaged, and stayed accountable.

💡 Followed my guidance and recommendations

💡 Gave as much as they received—mentored others while growing themselves.

Self-love isn’t just about taking time off—it’s about backing yourself fully. 

When you do, opportunities follow.

How are YOU choosing YOU today?

Self-love is not a destination but a daily practice of choosing yourself, your worth, and your peace.

💡 Your next step? 

Keep choosing YOU.

.. and if you or anyone knows of doctors who are choosing themselves, check out our Doctors in Industry transformational program which is designed to help you take that next step.

Because your journey—both in life and career—starts with how well you honour yourself. ❤️

Much love, Abeyna x

💼 Featured Opportunities

🔥 NEW Opportunities..!

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Career Coaches, Mentors & CV/LinkedIn Support

If you feel STUCK, LOST or UNCERTAIN in your career journey - we’re there with you!

Check out our incredible team of career coaches who have a wealth of experience working with doctors across the world on all things alternative careers.

Not sure what coaching involves? Check this article out.

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Abeyna and the MF Team